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11 Memorial Portfolio
note that this page is for reference. All dates for entry have passed.
Please forgive this long
information sheet. We are expecting thousands of entries and want to include
every one of them in the portfolio, so please read instructions carefully.
Alliance director Carol
Pulin writes, “This memorial portfolio is a way to help us comprehend
the loss of so many individual lives. The Vietnam memorial is eloquent
and moving because we read names and, even if we don't recognize any of
them, we recognize common first names and last names and see ‘juniors’
and such. They were mostly soldiers and it seems appropriate that the
names are carved alike, as in traditional war memorials that stand in
town squares around the world. I haven't been to the Oklahoma City memorial
for the Murrah Building victims, but have seen photos of the chairs, all
facing the same way, scattered in groups. Some are small chairs for children,
but they are otherwise stylized and alike. Although it is a terribly large
number, I think one can grasp 168. But thousands of people -- these artworks
have to be different, individual images for the concept to be effective.
People need to be drawn to certain pictures: some will spend time with
those portraying a face, others will find meaning in abstract colors.
As viewers walk along, they will stop to think about some here and there,
be drawn to another down the row, just as they might be intrigued by various
faces in a crowd. To convey the sheer number and the individuality of
each life is the challenge.” Participation:
The American Print Alliance
is a community of similar size to the number of people killed on September
11. We ask each artist who is a member of one of the councils in the American
Print Alliance (see Councils)
or an independent subscriber to our journal, Contemporary Impressions,
to take part. Besides regular and student members of the councils, we
encourage entries from associate members -- check with your council about
classes and/or arranging a monoprint session at a local workshop. One
ORIGINAL artwork donated by each person, even if you are a member of more
than one council. If you aren’t currently a member or subscriber, please
join or subscribe now -- become a part of our community. We welcome participation
by artists from around the world, but you must be part of the Alliance.
For information about joining a council, click here.
For information about subscribing, click here.
The Alliance is dependent on our journal for funding for all of our projects
so, even if you are a member of one of our councils, please consider subscribing.
There is no fee for participation (though you must be eligible, see above).
We ask everyone in the U.S. to enclose a dollar with your artwork to help
defray exhibition costs. Images:
Artists are not assigned a person to commemorate -- use your imagination
to celebrate a life. Among the victims are people of all races, ages,
faiths, and at least 80 nationalities. Some artists might imagine a portrait
of an “average” or composite person, others might depict a scene of everyday
life, a landscape, whatever. We ask only that you not use photos taken
from the media or anything else that might be protected by copyright.
If you personally knew any of the victims, you may want to create a work
about that person’s life; please ask permission from the family so that
you do not intrude on their privacy. The idea is to commemorate individual
lives rather than re-live the acts of terror. (Please consider that the
portfolio will be shown in locations where children are present.) Techniques:
Any ORIGINAL work of art on/of paper will be accepted. Although we encourage
printmaking techniques, we will also accept drawings, watercolors, hand-made
paper, etc. ONLY ORIGINAL WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. NO reproductions -- do
not send a color photocopy, printed scan or photograph of your work! Please
note that we will use plastic envelopes and there will not be a mat to
keep the surface from touching the plastic. So do not use friable media
(anything powdery, like pastels, charcoal, etc.) and be sure that any
thick inks are completely dry. Please use the best available inks, pigments
and dyes and acid-free paper for permanence. Works must be essentially
two-dimensional. Please do not submit anything delicate that would be
damaged if it happens to be packed under the weight of thousands of other
works in their plastic envelopes; do not submit anything that is thick,
heavy, in uneven relief, etc., that could damage other works packed with
it. Size
and signature:
The paper size must be 10” high x 8” wide (25 cm x 20 cm) and your image
must be oriented for a vertical format. There is no required image size,
so you may leave margins or work to the edge. You may sign your work with
your name, title, date and edition number, but please remember the purpose
of the portfolio and do so unobtrusively. In pencil on the back of the
work, along the bottom of the sheet, please print (i.e. using block letters)
the catalogue code explained below and your name. Tip: when writing on
the back of the print, lean on a hard surface so you do not indent the
paper. Catalogue code:
The catalogue code is the first five letters of your last name,
the initial letter of your first name and a letter for your council
from this list. If your last name has fewer than five letters, use
a # (number sign) for each extra space. For example, Jane Doe who
is a member of Baren would use DOE##JR. This is seven characters;
please leave the last box on the submission form blank, because
our computer program will add an eighth character to prevent duplicate codes. Use the council letter from the list below in your catalogue
code. If you are a member of more than one council, pick the council that
you joined first or that you consider your "home" council. Send only one
entry no matter how many councils you belong to. If you are not a member of a council
or a subscriber to the journal, you are not eligible; please see Participation,
above, to become part of the Alliance.
American Color Print
Society = K
Baren = R
Boston Printmakers = B
Conseil québécois de l'estampe = Q
Florida Printmakers = F
Honolulu Printmakers = H
Los AngelesPrintmaking Society = L
Manitoba Printmakers Association = M
Maryland Printmakers = D
Mid America Print Council = A
Monotype Guild of New England = U
New York Society of Etchers = Y
Northwest Print Council = W
Nova Scotia Printmakers Association = N
Pittsburgh Print Group = P
The Print Center = C
Printmaking Council of New Jersey = J
Printmakers Council of Prince Edward Island = E
Seattle Print Arts = T
Society of American Graphic Artists = G
Southern Graphics Council = S
Subscribers to Contemporary Impressions who are NOT members of any of
our 21councils = Z Display: We intend to hang the works in a grid, probably suspended from cords
like clotheslines. Depending upon the space available -- long hallways
in airports, schools, shopping malls, etc. -- the work may be hung 4 high
x 1,500+ feet long, for example. The works will probably appear in a different
order at each place as our volunteers take them out of the boxes, sometimes
starting at one end or the other, by rows or by columns, etc. If you know
of a potential venue, please ask the director or curator to contact Carol
Pulin at
(If the venue is interested in one of our other, gallery-size travelling
exhibits, please see the Exhibits page.) Scans and slides: In addition
to the portfolio exhibition, to allow a broader audience to experience
this tribute from the artists, we are exploring the possibility of showing
a selection from the portfolio on the Internet. Slides are useful for
talks about the Alliance and this project. If you cannot provide a scan
or slide, we will try to do some, but our resources are quite limited.
Slides should be labeled with the catalogue code at the top (when held
so that the image is upright). Scans should be named
with your work’s catalogue code (seven characters) and the extension .jpg
and should be sent by e-mail to
(please don’t use this mailbox for anything else). Be sure to scan at
300 - 600 dpi (dots per inch), depending on your scanner, save as a jpeg
file at a maximum of 450 pixels in height. For additional assistance with
scanned work contact our webmaster at Incentive:
We want to encourage everyone to take part. So when you donate a work
to the portfolio, you may request one free issue of Contemporary Impressions,
your choice from Spring 1993 through Fall 2000. (Some copies may be missing
the flyleaf or have bent corners; we will substitute an issue at random
if we would have too few of your choice left for libraries that need to
complete sets.) If you enclose your subscription form and payment for
2002 at the same time, you may request two free issues -- and if you choose
Spring and Fall of the same year, we will also send you the gift print
for that year! Click here for the journal index.
To have your free journal(s) sent to an address in the United States,
enclose with your entry a self-addressed 9 x 12" envelope, affix $1.49
in postage for one issue ($2.21 if you are subscribing and requesting
two issues) and write the issue(s) requested on the envelope flap. For
a Canadian address, affix $1.85 in U.S. stamps (do not use Canadian stamps!)
for one issue ($2.70 if you are subscribing and requesting two issues)
or send a self-stick address label and CN$5 as a check or paper money,
no coins. We cannot afford to send free copies if you do not provide the
envelope and postage. Sorry it is too time-consuming and complicated for
us to send free copies to other countries.
date (passed):
If you haven't
already sent your artwork to your council, either turn it in at the
Graphics Council conference or mail your entry by June 15, 2002(please
check back to see if the deadline is going to be extended beyond this
to the Alliance office (see address below).
Submission form:
for the submission
form. You can print out the PDF format form and type
or hand-letter
the information in block letters. If you need Adobe Acrobat reader click
to get it.
Your entry should include the following in the same envelope: - Your ORIGINAL artwork
-- be sure that the paper size is 10” x 8” and that you have written
the catalogue code and your name on the back
- Your submission form
-- don’t forget to sign
- A 9 x 12” envelope
for a free copy of Contemporary Impressions -- don’t forget your address
and postage; if you want two free issues, enclose your 2002 subscription
form and check
- A slide of your artwork
if you have one that we may keep
- If you’re in the
U.S., a dollar to help defray exhibition costs
Where to send your
Use regular first class or priority mail; do NOT use any special service
that requires a signature! That means no certified mail, insurance or
return receipts. If your entry will cross international borders, be sure
to mark the customs form “printed matter, no commercial value." Mail to:
Memorial Portfolio
American Print Alliance
302 Larkspur Turn
Peachtree City GA 30269 USA
If you are attending
the SGC conference in New Orleans, you may hand deliver your entry at
registration the morning of April 4. |