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Articles Published in Contemporary Impressions
All unattributed articles by the editor, Dr. Carol Pulin. Plus, in every
issue, reviews of exhibitions, portfolios, books and catalogues.
An original
print is commissioned as a gift for subscribers each year.
1993 |
1993 Alliance Print: Jessie
Nebraska Gifford, Lie Still. Xerograph in black, image 8
3/8 x 6 1/4" on Mohawk super-fine cream 9 1/8 x 7".
Spring 1993,
vol. 1 #1
- Woodcut & the Contemporary Artist, by Karen Kunc
- Post-Print: Staking
Claim to the Territory, by Hugh Merrill
- Critical Theory
and the Print, by Ruth Weisburg
- Prints & Politics (campaign fundraising)
- A, B, C's - Art,
Business, Cash, Dealers, by Harold Horowitz
- J. Nebraska Gifford,
Interview by Mel Shestack
- The Lang Collection
and the GraphicStudio Archives
- L'estampe en
art actuel, reported by Karen Trask
- The Gilkey Center
for Graphic Arts, by Carol Pulin
Fall 1993, vol. 1 # 2
- The Why behind
the Why, by Karen Trask
- Innovations in
Monotype and Paper Art, by Joseph Zirker
- The Net of Irrationality:
The Variant Matrix & the Tyranny of the Edition, by Charles
- Warrington Colescott & Fran Myers, Interview
- Prints & Politics (censorship)
- The Rutgers Archives
for Printmaking Studios, by Trudy V. Hansen
1994 |
1994 Alliance Print: Barry
Smylie, Communiqué. Offset lithograph in blue and
black, image 5 1/8 x 7" on Simpson evergreen birch 8 x 9".
1994, vol. 2 #1
- Ticket to Paradise,
by Ann Chernow
- Barry Smylie,
by Joan Murray
- The Status of
Artists, by Harold Horowitz
- Randy Bolton,
Interview by Carol Larsen
- Postmodern Printmaking:
A Key, by Carol Pulin
- Prints & Politics: Persuasion, by Douglas Dowd
- Buzz Spector,
Interview by Neva Lindburg Munoz
- Luminous Volumes,
by Johanna Drucker
- Workshops that
- Women's Studio
Workshop, by Tatana Kellner
- Papeterie Saint-Gilles,
by Sébastien Servant
Fall 1994, vol. 2 #2
- Skin Deep: Leon
Golub & Nancy Spero, by Lynne Allen
- Please Copy and
Circulate, by Kirby Gookin
- Computers, Pyramids & Hearts, by Isaac Victor Kerlow
- Treading the
Maze, by Susan King
- Prints & Politics (Hollis Sigler)
- John Himmelfarb,
Interview by Susan Stewart
- States of Contrast:
Contemporary Printmaking in South Africa, by Charles Cohan
- El Taller 99,
Santiago de Chile, by Evelyn Klein
1995 |
1995 Alliance Print: Barbara
Yoshida, Project to $ave the Dollar (and the arts). Offset
lithograph in black and hand-printed stamps in green and red, image
6 1/4 x 7 3/4" on Crane "Old Money" (recycled U.S.
currency) 8 x 9".
Spring 1995, vol. 3 #1
- June Wayne's
Future Shock, by Louise Lewis
- Meditations on
the C-word, by Douglas Dowd
- Michael Ray Charles,
Discussion with Katherine Brimberry, Ken Hale and Jack Hanley
- Identities, by
Judy Youngblood and Eduardo Garcia
- Prints & Politics: Funny Money, with Barbara Yoshida
- Remote Simulations,
by Carmon Colangelo
- The Andy Warhol
1995, vol. 3 #2
- Printmaking as
a Medium of Exchange, by Stephen Petersen
- Give It Away,
by Fred Hagstrom
- David Adamson,
Interview by Sam Peters
- Prints & Politics (definitions; advocacy)
- Name-Calling:
Labels and Roles, by Charles R. Jansen
- The Evolving
Definition of the Artist's Book, by Thomas A. Vogler
- The Passion of
Maria Bonomi, by Carol Pulin
1996 |
1996 Alliance Print: Douglas
B. Dowd, The Naturalist. Wood engraving in black, image 6
x 8" on Fox River arctic white cover 8 1/4 x 9 1/4".
Spring 1996, vol. 4 #1
- Douglas Dowd,
by Norma S. Steinberg
- Pam Longobardi,
Interview by Roberta Frew and Jacque McLaughlin
- The Strength
of Charles Hewitt, by Genetta McLean
- Innovation and
the Meaning of the Artifact, by Charles Heasley
- Prints & Politics: Breath of Fresh Air, by Helga Thomson
- Collecting Prints
at 3M, by Charles Helsell
- Edges & Interfaces, by Carol Pulin
- Biennial (Geo)Graphics:
- Prints in Minnesota,
by Elizabeth Armstrong
- Prints, Hawaii & the Pacific Rim, by Wayne Miyamoto
Fall 1996, vol. 4 #2
- Earthmakers (Joan
Smith and Barbara Zeigler), by Patrick Mahon
- The Object and
the Encyclopedic Image, by Beauvais Lyons
- Pat Nick, Interview
by Randy Hemminghaus
- Prints & Politics: From Comic Books to Commentary, by William Fick
- Infinite Image,
by Hugh Merrill
- Diverse Narratives:
The Rutgers Center for Innovative Print and Paper, by Lynne
1997 |
1997 Alliance Print: Kenneth
A. Kerslake, Lengthening Shadows. Relief printed etching
in black, image 7 x 4 1/2" on Fox River confetti kaleidoscope
9 1/4 x 6 1/2".
Spring 1997, vol. 5 #1
- Kenneth Kerslake,
by Larry David Perkins
- The Digital Print,
by Norma S. Steinberg
- Patrick Mahon's
House of Flowers, by Carol Podedworny, Barbara Zeigler and
Patrick Mahon
- Richard Basil
Mock, Interview by J. Nebraska Gifford
- Prints & Politics: Rubber Stamps, by Vulcan Heizer (ps.)
- Working Proof:
Shark's Inc., by Susan Krane, George Woodman and Bud Shark
- Situating the
Print in Time & Space, by Françoise Lavoie
1997, vol. 5 #2
- Sid Block & Bob Hiebert, Interview by Barbara Stevko
- Prints & Politics: South Africa's Bill of Rights, by Dominic Thorburn
- The Exchange
Portfolio: More Than the Sum of its Parts, by Leslie Koptcho
- Corporate Art
Collecting, Not Just for the Big Guys, by Harriet Berkman Hunt
- Sol LeWitt: Puzzles & Prints, by Sylvia Solochek Walters
- Shifting Grounds:
The Boston Print Symposium, by Heather Burness and Barbara
1998 |
1998 Alliance Print: Dorothy
Simpson Krause, Stars of Hope. Computer-generated inkjet
print in full color, image 8 7/8 x 7 7/8" on Arches hot press
watercolor white 9 1/2 x 8 1/2".
Spring 1998, vol. 6 #1
- Dorothy
Simpson Krause & Stars of Hope, by Norma S. Steinberg
- Pattern / Purpose,
by Bill N. Thompson
- Prints & Politics: Sue Coe, by Beauvais Lyons
- D.B. Dowd, Interview
by Thomas Andrew Huck
- Industry and
Idolness: A Relief Print Book, by Judy Stone Nunneley
- Turning Over
a New Leaf: Bookarts, by Maureen Cummins
- The Workshop
as Center: EES Arts, by Deborah Cornell
- Sightlines: Printmaking
and Image Culture, by Fred Hagstrom
Fall 1998, vol. 6 #2
- Diamond Head,
by Laura Ruby
- A Self-Portrait "Inside Out," by Bert Menco
- Stealth, Montage
and the Modern Allegorical Play, by S.L. Dickey
- Robert Mueller,
Interview by Kenneth A. Kerslake
- Prints & Politics: Colorprint USA, by Leslie Koptcho
- Collaborative
Printmaking at Littleton Studios, by Judith O'Rourke
1999 |
1999 Alliance Print: Kathryn
Maxwell, Genetic Parry. Color screenprint in four colors
water-based ink, image 6 x 6" on Fabriano uno cream 9.5 x 7.5".
Printed by Jim Kraft at Unified Arts, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Spring 1999,
vol. 7 #1
- The Delicate
Balance of Kathryn Maxwell, by Betsy Fahlman
- Clownz, by
Lynwood Kreneck
- Art, Apples and
Artifacts, by Barbara Elam
- Phyllis McGibbon,
Interview by Anita Jung
- Prints & Politics: Litografiska, by Lynne Allen
- Art Making Book
Making Art, by Charles Hobson
- Common Ground,
by Carol Pulin
Fall 1999, vol.
7 #2
- Chaos, Order
and Computers, by Karen Guzak
- Prints & Politics: In the South Pacific, by Fred Hagstrom
- The Anatomy of
a Corpse: Dissection of a Collaboration, by Robert Erikson
and Gail Panske
- Cacophony & Conundrim in Mixed Media Printmaking, by Julia Kjelgaard
- Prints, Papers,
Books, Cultures, by Shireen Holman
- Scrolling the
Page, by Carol Pulin
2000 |
2000 Alliance Print: Walter
Askin, The Dingbat Lecture. Letterpress print in black, image
8 7/8 x 6 1/4" on Albrecht Dürer Paper 9 3/8 x 6 7/8".
Printed by Darrell Hyder at the Sun Hill Press, North Brookfield,
2000, vol. 8 #1
- Printmaking as
Syntax of Contemporary Art, by Sam Walker
- Lynne Allen,
interview by Judith K. Brodsky
- Violence, by
Janice Hartwell
- Prints & Politics: A Manifesto, Imagination and Art, by Walter Askin
- Variation and
Continuity: The Workshop Portfolios, by K.E. Duffin
- Big Impressions,
by Judith Tolnic
- Away Again,
by Karen Kunc
Fall 2000, vol.
8 #2
- William Walmsley
as Ding Dong Daddy, by Bradford R. Collins
- Prints & Politics: Printed Matter(s), by Kathryn J. Reeves
- Balancing Act:
Man and Technology in the Digital Age, by Brad Shanks
- The New A, B,
C: Algorithm, Body, Computer, by Jennifer Mahlman
- In a Snowglobe,
by William Harroff
- The Janet Turner
Print Collection, by Catherine Sullivan
- Taller Canet,
Cuba , by Bob Freimark
2001 |
Alliance Print: April
Katz, The Broken Dream. Color photoetching from hand-drawn
and computer-generated film, image 7 x 5" on BFK Rives - Cream
8 1/2 x 6". Printed by Ken Shoals at Capital City Engravers, Kensington,
2001, vol. 9 #1
Katz, Interview by Carol Pulin
Art Collecting (and Giving) [South Africa and U.S.A.], by
Lynne Allen
Printmaking in Korea, by Peter MacWhirter
Paperskins, by Kay Stanfield
Prints and Politics: Boundaries or Connections?, by Hugh
the Edge [Alliance travelling exhibition]
Where Narrative Meets Metaphor, by Ryan Burkhart
Chernow: Originals in the Age of Post-Modern Appropriation,
by Carol Pulin
Drawing & the Prints of Keith Rasmussen, by Tom Dewey II
in Southern Louisiana, by Brian Kelly and Karl F. Vollmar
Merrill, Interview by Cynthia Miller
and Politics: Memorials, by Carol Pulin
in Boston, 2001, by Norma S. Steinberg
2002 |
Alliance Print: Frances Myers and Warrington Colescott, Bombers
over Tuscany. Letterpress from two photo-engraved plates with
hand-drawn, collage and soft-ground etching images, 5 3/4 x
7 3/4" on BFK Rives - White 7 1/2 x 9 1/2". Printed by Darrell
Hyder at Sun Hill Press, North Brookfield, Massachusetts.
Spring 2002, vol. 10 #1
- Demo'Graphics
Report, by Michael Krueger and Stephen Goddard
- Frances Myers & Warrington Colescott, Interview
- Digital Evolution,
by John Antoine Labadie
- Prints & Politics: Everything Counts, by Charles Massey, Jr.
- Bridge to Uzbekistan,
by Jenny Freestone and Helga Thomson
- The Seríe
Print Project, by Dana McBride
2002, vol. 10 #2
- Conversing
and Reversing, by Randy Garber
- Prints & Politics: Southern Comfort in the Integration of Art and Life, by Lea Barton
- Mariana Depetris,
Interview by Carol Pulin
- Organizing
Art Work Now, by D. B. Dowd
- Making Marks
Beyond the Print Studion, by Patricia Olynyk
- Revolution
and Representation, by Deborah Cornel
2003 |
Alliance Print: Zdzislaw
Sikora, It's Hard to Face up to Kings and Queens.
Color inkjet
and etching, 7 x 5" on Arches Infinity 9 1/4 x 8". Printed
by the artist with students and staff of the College for Creative
Studies, Detroit, Michigan.
do-it-yourself print: Michael Krueger and Jasper Krueger with
Steve Goddard, WUV (War Utility Vehicle). Stencil, 4 3/8
x 6" die-cut image in various colors of index cardstock, 8 x 8 1/2".
2003, vol. 11 #1
Time and Space, by Bonny Lhotka
Prints & Politics: Aerosol Activism, by Stephen Goddard and
Michael Krueger
- Printmaking
as Alchemy, by April Vollmer
- A is for Art & Art is for Everyone, by Richard Kennedy
- John Hitchcock,
Interview by Carol Pulin
- Honolulu Printmakers:
Celebrating a Tradition, by Marcia Morse and Max Aronov
- Learning, by
Debrah Santini and Stephanie Smith
2003, vol. 11 #2
Memories, by Pauline Jakobsberg
Sikora, Interview by Beverly Hall Smith
(Virtual Reality), by Deborah Cornell
Graphic Tale, by D.B. Dowd
from Uzbekistan: Ipak Yoli, by Jenny Freestone and Helga
2004 |
2004 Alliance Print: Andrew Decaen, Expectant Addition. Color offset lithograph from wash drawing and digital files, 5 7/8 x 5 7/8" on Domtar Solutions 9 x 8". Printed by Karl Ambrose at Ambrose the Printer, Orlando, Florida.
2004, vol. 12 #1
& Politics: Homespun Truths, by Janet Ballweg
Peter MacWhirter, Interview by Mark Butler
Subtle Structure, by Jessica Curtaz
Lin Carte, Interview by Carol Pulin
Small Scale to Epic Proportions, by Félix Ángel
Infinite Proof: An East West Artists Collective, by Karen Cornelius
Theater of the Mind, by John A. Stewart
2004, vol. 12 #2
Andrew Decaen, Interview by Julie Decaen
Rudolf Bikkers and Phil Secord, Interviews by Peter MacWhirter
Prints &Politics: Printmaking in a Time of War, by DeWitt Cheng
The Evolution of a Printmaker, by Caroline Thorington
Technology versus Concept, by Ruth Pelzer-Montada
The Tallinn Print Triennial: in Exile, by Ursula Zeller and Sirje Helme
2005 |
2005 Alliance Print: Tim High, Vanity Fair Series No. 30, After Ensor— tug of war. Four-color process photo-screenprint, 7.3 x 8.3" on Lenox 100 cotton paper 8.3 x 9.3". Printed by the artist at Terra Rosa Studio, Austin, Texas.
Spring 2005, vol. 13 #1
Unfolding Nature, by Mona Waterhouse
Prints & Politics: Plowshares, Paper & Ink, by John L. Risseeuw
Appropriation as Expression in the Era of Open Content, by Kim W. Fink
Hockney and Werger: Pools and Light, by Tom Dewey II
Lesley Ann Price, Interview by Carol Pulin
- Printmaking at Penland School of Crafts, by Robin Dreyer
Intersections of East and West: Contemporary Printmaking in Japan, by April Vollmer
Fall 2005, vol. 13 #2
Charles Cohan: Configurations, by Marcia Morse
David Mohallatee, Interview by Brandon Horton
Image and Process, Woven into Reality, by Diane M. Lara
Prints & Politics: Print Politics, by Joseph Pentheroudakis and Josh MacPhee
A Frogman's Experience, by Brad Widness
Lessons in History, by Tim High
- 90 Years: Nurturing the New, by Jacqueline van Rhyn
- Bedrock: The New York Society of Etchers, by Stephen Fredericks
2006 |
2006 Alliance Print: Marsha Sweet, Madonna. Wood engraving in black, 4 x 4"” on Arches 88 white paper 8.38 x 7.25". Printed at The Lantern Printery, Cleveland, Ohio.
Spring 2006, vol. 14 #1
Tolerable Diversity: Exploring Cultural Dissonance, by Juanita Tumelaire
Experiprints & Printstallations, by April Flanders
Synchronism in Bonnie Baxter's Prints, by Christine Unger
Tales of Mud and Ink: The Prints of Brian Kelly, by Steven Breaux
Nancy Campbell and the Mount Holyoke College Printmaking Workshop, Interview by Mary Elizabeth Strunk
Work from the Digital Art Studio
Fall 2006, vol. 14 #2
Prints & Politics: The Art of Persuasion, by Stephen A. Fredericks
Semographics: Diversity and Collaboration, by Tim High
Erena Rae — Feminist, Activist, Artist, A Life in Words and Prints
With and Against the Grain, by Marsha Sweet
Cultural Collage to Collagraph, by Vinita Voogd
Passion and Process, by Brian Jones
- A Printmaker in the Old World, by Susan Litsios
2007 |
2007 Alliance Print: Sarah Whorf, Trash Vortex. Color offset lithograph from transparencies printed by waterless lithography from separate color hand-drawn plates, 7.25 x 4.5" on Mohawk Options 8.5 x 5.5". Printed at Printing Images, Rockville, Maryland.
Spring 2007, vol. 15 #1
Layer It On, by Lise Drost
- Kore Loy Wildrekind-McWhirter, Interview by Katey Schultz
Prints & Politics: War in Iraq
- War Games, by Art Hazelwood
- Postcards with a Message, by Scott Stout
- War and Global Warming, by Nancy R. Davison
Melanie Yazzie, Native Identity & Place, by John-Michael H. Warner
Hydrus: Nine Heads Are Better Than One, by Sheri Fleck Roth
Normal Editions Workshop, by Richard Finch and Veda Rives
Fall 2007, vol. 15 #2
Inspiration and Tradition, by Art Hazelwood
Will Barnet, Interview by Stephen A. Fredericks
Process and Choice, by Sarah Whorf
Collaborating on Global Fusion, by Lyn Bishop
The Oaxaca - Humboldt Print Exchange, by Humboldt State University interns
Drive-By Press: Have Press, Will Travel, by Gregory Nanney and Joseph Velasquez
2008 |
2008 Alliance Print: Yuji Hiratsuka, Suite Sixteen. Suite of sixteen prints, four-color etching and chine collé, each 5.875 x 4.312" on Owara mulberry paper on Rising Stonehenge 9.5 x 7.5". Printed by the artist; signed, titled, dated and numbered in pencil.
2008 fold-in extra: Art Hazelwood, Veteran. Screenprint, 9.25 x 8" on Fox River Coronado 9.5 x 8.37". Printed by the artist on an automatic screen print press at Mission Grafica in San Francisco, California.
Spring - Summer 2008, vol. 16 #1
Prints & Politics: Gum Arabic, by Bob Tomollilo
- Prints & Politics: Homless Rights Activists, by Art Hazelwood
Contemporary Chinese Printmaking, by Peter MacWhirter
Printmakers Master Time, by Carol Pulin
Visual Storytelling, by Bill Hosterman
Printmaking Artists and Master Printers, by Hugh Merrill
Printing the Edges: Defining Print within Contemporary Installation, by Althea Murphy-Price
Fall - Winter 2008, vol. 16 #2
Material Girl, by Kelly M. Nelson
Prints & Politics: Global Warming Portfolio, by Clay McGlamory
Photo (un)Finish, by Ellen Jantzen
Yuji Hiratsuka, Interview by Carol Pulin
End of a Chapter: Photo-Offset Artists' Books, by Tony White
Prints & Politics: Democracy
- Art of Democracy Censored, by Art Hazelwood and Jos Sances
- Soap Box Prints 2, by Carol Pulin
- Bookmarks: Infiltrating Europe and the U.S., by Sarah Bodman
2009 |
2009 Alliance Print: Karin Schminke, Trio. Color pigment inkjet print from hand drawn and painted elements, 7 x 5.6" on Moenkopi Unryu 8 x 6.37". Printed by the artist. Signed and numbered in pencil.
2009 to-be-assembled extra: Laura Berman, Printhesizer. Two color and blind embossed letterpress, 7.63 x 9.25". Printed by Bob Atkins at Skylab Letterpress, North Kansas City, Missouri.
Spring - Summer 2009, vol. 17 #1
The Martha Stewart Affectation: Printspaces Redefined, by Laura Berman and Rachel Melis
- New Direction: Print Landcape, by Brian H. Jones
Size & Scale in the Field of Contemporary Print, by Catherine Kernan
Prints & Pinwheels: Envisioning a Sustainable Future, by Kelly M. Nelson and Carol Pulin
Bridges, New York to Belgrade and Beyond, by April Vollmer
Fall - Winter 2009, vol. 17 #2
Karin Schminke, Interview by Eileen Fritsch
Ekphrasis & Roberta Delaney's Bookwork, by Norma S. Steinberg
Evolution & Change: Natural Selection in Printmaking, by Patrick Merrill
Natural Order Observed, by Raymond DeCicco
Prints & Politics: One World, by Carol Pulin
Global Fusion International Exchange Portfolio, by Maritza Davila
2010 |
2010 Alliance Print: Ibrahim Miranda, Habanero. Suite of three prints, linocut, each 6 x 8" or 8 x 6" on Stonehenge Polar White paper 7 x 9" or 9 x 7". Printed by Kathy Garrou at Atlanta Printmakers Studio, Atlanta, Georgia.
Summer 2010, vol. 18 #1
Connections with Cuban Printmakers: Part 1, History and Teaching, by Marjorie Javan and Candy Nartonis
- Pinecones Along My Path, by Andrea Emmons
Amos Paul Kennedy Jr., Interview by Laura Zinger
Vicarious Expression: Collage and Disaster, by Erik Waterkotte
My Work Is My Diary, by Tetsuya Noda
Winter 2010, vol. 18 #2
Connections with Cuban Printmakers: Part 2, Experience and Excitement, by Marjorie Javan and Candy Nartonis
The Ibsen Portfolio, A Printmaker's Journey, by Pieter S. Myers
Digital Printmaking: Place, Time, Vision, by Carol Pulin
Hugh Merrill & Audubon's Birds of America
- Divergent Consistencies, by Adelia Ganson
- Birds of the Gulf, by Hugh Merrill
- Indrani Nayar-Gall, Interview by Carol Pulin
- New York Society of Etchers: Ten Years, by Stephen A. Fredericks
2011 |
2011 Alliance Print: Valerie Dibble, I Wonder. Color offset lithograph in black and gray-blue from hand-drawn and digital files with hand-printed color stamps, 5.5 x 5" on Exact Index white 9 x 7.5". Printed at Printing Images, Rockville, Maryland. Signed and titled in pencil.
Summer 2011, vol. 19 #1
Beauty By Mistake, by Curtis Bartone
- Jiachun Zhao & Guanlan Original Printmaking Base, Interview by Peter MacWhirter
More Collaboration: Semographics 2, by tim High
Sweeping Gestures, Moments in Ink, by Candy Nartonis
Prints & Politics: Drawing Inspriation on Stone, by Robert Tomolillo
Expanding the Biennale at Trois Riviere, by Jo Ann Lanneville
A Printing Tour de France, by Lead Graffiti (Jill Cyber & Ray Nochols)
Winter 2011, vol. 19 #2
History of My Use of the Trope, by Robert Brown
Multiple Roles Engender Self-Portraits, by Valerie Dibble
Bittersweet: Looking Back, Looking Forward, Collapsing Time, by Beth Grabowski
Erika Adams, Interview by Mariana Depetris
- American Grain: 50 Years of Printing Woodcuts, by Tony Lazorko
2012 |
2012 Alliance Print: Hugh Merrill, Impression Reflection. Offset lithograph from hand-drawn and digital files, 9 x 8" on Arches hot press white 9 x 8". Printed at Mpress, Kansas City, Missouri. Signed with ink stamp on the back.
Summer 2012, vol. 20 #1
Twenty Years & Counting: The Digital Revolution in Life & Printmaking, by Kathryn Maxwell
- Prints & Politics: Artist as Environmentalist, by Raymond DeCicco
Patrick Merrill and the Clouds of War, by Debra Winters, Joanna Roche, patrick Merrill and Suvan Geer, edited by Carol Pulin
Process Stirs the Imagination, by Terri Dilling
Art & Theme in the Prints of Rene Arceo, by Julio Rangel
A Press for International Print Portfolios, by Rene Arceo
Winter 2012, vol. 20 #2